Wanderlust Travel by Jessica

Every journey begins with a single step. Let a call to our agency be the first step in your next journey.
(828) 548-0809

Wanderlust: (n)  a strong desire to wander or travel and explore the world.

Welcome to Wanderlust Travel by Jessica!

My name is Jessica Page and I am the owner of Wanderlust Travel by Jessica, L.L.C. My job as a travel adviser is actually a second career for me. After working in the higher education sector for 28 years, I decided that I wanted to do something that incorporated my passion for traveling.

I want my clients to focus on making memories rather than dwelling on the stress of planning every detail of their trip. As a travel agent, I specialize in booking vacations to the following destinations:

  • Europe — I find that the history of Europe is so captivating. I love to create itineraries that allow my clients to develop an appreciation for the flavor and culture of each European destination that they visit.
  • The Caribbean Islands — Tropical getaways are good for the soul. I can recommend the best resorts and cruises for travelers who want to head to a destination filled with sun, surf and sand.

When my daughter graduated from high school, I gifted her with a 21-day trip throughout Europe. I poured my heart and soul into planning the trip, and tried to include a variety of elements in the itinerary. I booked large hotels located in the center of the big cities, but I also booked small apartments in the villages that we were visiting in between. I wanted the trip to include iconic sites as well as cultural immersion opportunities.

The trip was a huge success, and we made memories together that we will cherish forever. I love that I have shared my passion with her, and now she shares it with others in return.

I get excited about every trip that I plan. Allow me to share in your excitement about your next big adventure. Contact me today to get started.

To begin planning your next adventure, please contact us via the information below and we will begin planning your adventure together.

Contact us:

If interested in booking a Sandals Resort Vacation, click on this link.